Friday, 12 December 2014

Sex? I'm Blushing!!

There is a whole lot of talk in the news right now about new sex ed curriculum in Ontario.   The details of it are easy enough to find if you know how to google.   Many people think that it includes far too many graphic details that children just don't need.   Maybe so.   I wonder though if any of it matters.   In a world of the internet, anyone can find any information that they want on any subject imaginable.   I'm pretty sure that whatever the government puts into this latest curriculum, it's going to be pretty tame compared to what's available online 24/7.

I get it though.   The government wants kids to be safe.   They want young people to make the safest choices possible.   But safety is only one part of making wise choices.  There are other consequences for engaging in sexual activity before you are really prepared for it aside from the medical risks.

One thing that I have learned is that we can't count on the school system or an ever-changing curriculum to teach us about sex.  God knows what sex is really all about.  Proverbs chapter 5 includes some of the wisdom of God on this matter.  Consider verses 15-20.  They might make you blush:  

Drink water from your own well—
    share your love only with your wife.
16 Why spill the water of your springs in the streets,
    having sex with just anyone?
17 You should reserve it for yourselves.
    Never share it with strangers.
Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you.
    Rejoice in the wife of your youth.
19 She is a loving deer, a graceful doe.
    Let her breasts satisfy you always.
    May you always be captivated by her love.
20 Why be captivated, my son, by an immoral woman,
    or fondle the breasts of a promiscuous woman?  (NLT)

Wow.  What do you suppose the odds are that this kind of idea will make it into the curriculum?   The wisest choice you can make as a young person regarding sex is to choose to share it with only one person.   Get married and enjoy sex with that one person until death do you part.  That's safe, and it's also wise.   Sharing something so intimate with more than one person is an odd thing to do.   I don't know why our world sees it as odd if you wait until you are married.   But I suppose that the world is far from God and it needs him badly.  

There are a couple of things I should say here.  First, if you have had sex already, God loves you just as much as he did before.  He's not angry.   You can still live for him because He is the redeemer.   He makes all things new.  That's what Jesus died on the cross to accomplish.   So there is no guilt necessary here.

Second, waiting until you are married is hard to do.   So you need to plan ahead.   Here are a few things you can do if you are dating someone or are thinking about it:

1.   Do not allow yourself to get into situations where "one thing leads to another".   Don't plan activities where the two of you are alone in the dark.   Don;t watch movies alone in the dark.  I know it sounds innocent enough, but sitting alone in the dark is where one thing leads to another.

2.    Hang out in groups as much as possible.  I know this doesn't sound so great, but you can be sure that you won't get into a situation that you didn't expect if you have a lot of people around.

3.   Ask for help.   Ask parents, grandparents, friends or whoever else you trust.  Tell them that you want them to kick you in the rear end if they see or hear about you setting yourself up to fail in this area.   I've heard of teenage couples actually asking their parents to intentionally and randomly walk in on them if they are together alone for some reason.

4.   Date people who also want to wait for marriage.  This should be a no-brainer, but it's surprising how often young people choose to date someone who they don't agree with on this issue.  If you don't agree on this from the start, there is a good chance that it's not going to end well.

5.  Don't date at all until you are ready to get married.  I know this is boring, but if you want to be wise about it, what's the best way to avoid having sex before you get married?   Don't date until you are ready to get married.  Simple as that.

What other ideas can you think of?

1 comment:

  1. I think one other idea is to find a mentor in this area, a mature man/women that you trust and that can direct you in this area. We never want to talk about this but it is the thing that gets us in the most trouble. I know that it helped me...
